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Cardiff South West Cluster Experience Questionnaire

We would like to know what you thought about the support you received from the Cardiff South West Cluster. We will ask you questions about your latest experience. Your answers will help us understand what we’re doing well and how we can improve to provide the best possible services.

If you are completing this form on behalf of someone else, please answer based on their experiences and feelings, as you understand them. This could include what they’ve shared with you or what you’ve observed. If unsure about a question, you can skip it.

This survey is being conducted by the Cardiff and Vale Regional Partnership Board (RPB). The RPB is a formal partnership of organisations working together to improve health and social care outcomes in the region. For information about how your data will be stored and protected, please read our privacy notice on the CVUHB website. Data will not be kept longer than seven years.

By completing this form, you consent to your responses being used. Your answers will be combined with others, ensuring they remain anonymous and cannot be identified.

Please ensure you are logged out to keep your response anonymous.

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