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RIF Service User Questionnaire - Accelerated Clusters

The Cardiff and Vale Regional Partnership Board (RPB) is a formal partnership involving various organisations designed to improve the health and social care outcomes and people in the region. Cardiff and Vale RPB receive Regional Integration Fund (RIF) monies from Welsh Government (WG) to trial new ways of working. This survey is being carried out as part of the RPB’s RIF reporting. 

We would like to know what you thought about the support you received from the Accelerated Clusters Project. We will ask you questions about your latest experience. Your answers will help us know what we are doing well and what we need to do better, so that we can provide the best possible services. Please be as honest as you can with your answers; all answers will be treated confidentially.

Information on how the organisations involved hold and protect your data can be obtained from the CVUHB website. However, any data will not be kept for longer than is necessary and at the very longest seven years. To find out more about how we store and protect your information please read our privacy notice

By completing this form, you are consenting to the use of your responses in RIF and other outputs. Responses will be aggregated so that your individual answers will not be identifiable.

Make sure you have logged out in order for your response to be anonymised. 

0% answered


Thinking about your recent experience with our service, how satisfied were you overall?


Do you feel less isolated as a result of the support you received? 

Isolation can mean different things to different people, but it generally refers to a feeling of loneliness, disconnection, or lack of social interaction. It can be caused by a variety of factors, such as living alone, having few friends or family members, or having difficulty socialising due to a disability or illness.


Do you feel your emotional health and well-being has improved since receiving support?

Emotional health and well-being refers to your overall state of mental and emotional health. It includes your feelings, thoughts, and behaviours. Good emotional health and well-being can help you cope with stress, maintain healthy relationships, and live a fulfilling life.


Did you feel involved in decisions about your care? 


Do you feel more independent since receiving support through the project? 

Independence refers to your ability to take care of yourself and live your life without needing help from others. It includes things like being able to dress yourself, cook your own meals, and manage your finances.


Do you feel more confident accessing services on your own now that you have received project support? 


Did the support you received from the project prevent you from needing more care or support

Escalation of needs refers to a situation where someone's needs become more complex and they require a higher level of care or support.